
Surprise and delight, made simple

Effortless marketing inserts for eCommerce stores and 3PLs.

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A personalized printed marketing insert with product recommendations and QR codes

So how does it work?

You can print almost anything with slippy

Beautiful, branded templates in minutes

using a range of pre-made components

Flows connect each order with the perfect template

based on customer and order information

Each template prints automatically at dispatch

slippy integrates seamlessly with your fulfilment flow

How does this fit in with your fulfilment process?

We’ve worked with some of the world's largest and most demanding 3PLs to create six fulfilment flows that you can adapt to your process and tech stack. Speak to our specialists to find out how you can integrate seamless print automation with your facility.

Ready to get started?

Sign up to explore the slippy app and receive a free custom sample pack. We recommend booking a demo to see the platform in action, and to learn how some of the worlds most innovative brands are using slippy to retain more customers.